Monday, June 29, 2009

You Don't Have To Be Great To Start...

...But you have to start to be great -- John Maxwell. This is one of my favorite quotes, and is on the bulletin board in my classroom. As I undertake this new project, there are many unknowns, but in the words of Zig Ziglar, "Anything worth doing is worth doing WRONG, until you learn how to do it RIGHT."

This is a project that has been in the works for the past 3 years. Right now there are many individuals considering teaching as a profession, and a worth profession it is. There are challenges and rewards, and there are many things that I never learned in all of my formal education.

My goal in putting this together is to help people at different places:

(1) If you are considering a career in education --what to expect, challenges and rewards, and common misconceptions.

(2) If you are a new teacher about to begin your first teaching job -- what they never taught us in our education programs.

(3) If you are a current teacher how to move from survival to stability, and eventually from stability to significance -- finding balance and staying power as a teacher.

If you fall into one of these three groups, this is the place for you! I will do my best to provide insight and wisdom from my time in the classroom.

The summer time is a great opportunity for teachers to recharge their batteries and find balance in their lives. It is also a great time for new teachers to prepare for the upcoming year.

Welcome Aboard!