Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Parent is Always Right?

The following came from Seth Godin's blog...

Win the fight, lose the customer
Does it really matter if you're right?
Given the choice between acknowledging that your customer is upset or proving to her that she is wrong, which will you choose?
You can be right or you can have empathy

If someone thinks they're unhappy, then you know what? They are.

While Seth's blog mainly deals with business, he makes some great points that deal with human nature, and teacher's can gain much insight and wisdom from. I have worked with some difficult parents, and to this day there are some that despise me. I realize we cannot choose the parents or our students as businesses can sometimes decide upon their customers, but if we want to make a difference and build relationships with parents, then at least at the very beginning, the parents have to always be right.

Not an easy pill to swallow-

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